Thursday, May 30, 2019

Technology Enhancing Farming Techniques

Technology is playing a vital role in adopting new farming methods in agriculture world. There are various obstacles in farming community to get a valuable and healthy yield.

Here we are discussing some latest technology that can be implemented to get success in farming world.

1.    Fertilizer Deep Placement Technology

This technology is used to enhance nitrogen absorption efficiency. Traditionally, rural farmers apply fertilizer to crops by spreading the seeds by hand. FDP works by using a specialized fertilizer (called 'briquette') which releases nitrogen gradually. The fertilizer is placed 7-10 centimeters below the soil, which allows less nitrogen to be lost through runoff. Different varieties of Power Sprayer can be used for farming techniques.

Agricultural Sprayer

2.     Mobile Apps

Mobile apps are the latest technological inventions nowadays which have not only changed the world of farmers but also accelerated the working ability in an innovative ways. There are many examples, which are helping farmers in not only diagnosing the diseases in livestock but also in plant diseases enabling them to provide right amount of fertilizer and irrigation inputs like plant medicines. For fertilization spray tools like Battery Operated Sprayer are available in agriculture market online and offline both.

3.   Farm Management Software and Training 

No innovations are possible in isolation, ideas and suggestions off many farmers are considered and hence farm management solutions are created. There is also requirement of training of farming techniques and tools. These training's in different aspects have provided benefits in different sectors to farmers to enhance their growth and productivity along with productivity of livestock. Training session to farmers teach farmers use of agricultural sprayer, cultivation tools.
Battery Operated Sprayer

4.   High Roofed Greenhouses 

Greenhouses with roofs of 12 feet or higher, which has been shown to double farmers' yields has been created at some places. Who have access to less agricultural farm for production they can go with this way. But they have to take care of plants in green house more than other big farms. They have to regulate pests by using misting pumps and latest Agricultural Sprayer techniques. Greenhouses are a great way to increase production, although a traditional greenhouse can only grow short shrub plants

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